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How Does My Alia Olive Oil Stand Out?

What does it taste like?

My Alia olive oil is celebrated for its perfect balance of fruitiness and bitterness, typical of fresh olives, enhanced by a pleasant piquancy that reflects its high antioxidant content. This complex and lingering profile is enriched with artichoke notes, providing a rich and deep taste experience.

What does it smell like?

My Alia bursts with fresh, intense aromas of green olives, accompanied by nuances of green fruits and herbs, enticing a tasting right upon opening the bottle.

What is its color?

Visually, My Alia olive oil transitions from bright green to rich gold, reflecting its purity and the meticulous care during harvesting and pressing. This color change illustrates the different maturation stages of the olives, harvested at their peak.

This exceptional profile is maintained by an acidity level below 0.2%, ensuring not only the preservation of the oil's organoleptic qualities but also its stability and longevity.

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